
Experienced adventurers with an environmental conscience sought

Sponsorship Opportunity: Experienced adventurers with an environmental conscience sought.

Ok, we must be honest from the start — we haven’t actually done this before — but it is worth reading on because we are professional, tenacious, we care about the environment and we really think this could be interesting!

We are the publisher behind Environment Journal and Air Quality News. Our aim is to become a champion and a catalyst for positive environmental change. Our audience is already over 1 million strong – and growing — and is made up of individuals and businesses with a passion for protecting our environment.

We have a significant social media community across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook — we are well connected.

We are looking for adventurers and explorers who would like to partner with us. Our aim is to sponsor (or part sponsor) your expeditions, those that can create further awareness of the impact of our footprints on the planet.

The Opportunity

We are looking to team up with an adventurer(s) or explorer(s) who are planning projects for 2021 and 2022, who share an environmental awareness and who have the desire to influence change.

We will provide financial support, to an appropriate level, depending upon the scale and complexity of the trip being planned.

We will offer administration and planning support where appropriate.

We will provide branded clothing and relevant equipment.

We will promote the expedition via our media channels and distribute live ongoing updates on progress throughout the trip.


To publish regular reports across our media channels.

To create dynamic content which will form the basis of a documentary via our multi-media portfolio and social media distribution.

To help demonstrate that environmental change matters.

To place environmental change in a meaningful real-life context.

To promote a better understanding of how our actions can implement change.

What we need from you

This is the interesting bit!

An easy-going attitude, experience, a good sense of humour and an ability to stay safe in challenging environments.

A brief overview of your experience to date.

An overview of your plans for this adventure.

Details of how and why it has a link to environmental awareness and to our outcomes.

An overview of your experience of recording your past adventures and an example of some video content you have produced.

For those who have already secured a level of sponsorship — we are happy to be part of a wider team and to part sponsor — but we would be looking to be the sole media partner and outlet for exclusive content.

We think this is an exciting opportunity — if you do too please get in touch.

In the first instance, please email your information, as requested above, to David Harrison, publisher, Environment Journal.

For an informal discussion or to request further information you can call David on 07740030060

Thanks for reading.

Pippa Neill
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