Respire, France’s National Association for Improved Air Quality, have launched a focused campaign calling upon people to write to, email or Tweet their MPs calling for action to protect people – especially children – from the effects of poor air quality.
The results of a survey commissioned by the association were published last week, highlighting the levels of concern among French people about their air quality.
65% of those questioned were worried about how it affected the country as a whole, while 61% were specifically worried about how affected their own health.
70% of people also believe that it is the national government who should shoulder responsibility for the country’s air quality, more so than the European Union and local authorities.
89% were aware that children are more vulnerable to air pollution and three out of four parents are worried about air quality for their children according.
Respire’s action plan consists of four measures intended to act directly for children’s air quality and four other measures aimed at improving the situation on ambient and indoor air quality throughout the country, for everyone.
The eight measures called for are:
- A law protecting the surroundings of schools from air pollution (restriction of traffic around schools, minimum distance from roads, lowering of speed, etc.)
- Investment in indoor air renewal tools for confined spaces: improved ventilation and ventilation conditions, installation of CO2 sensors and air purifiers in high-exposure establishments with sensitive populations
- Generalise street development to schools in all municipalities (pedestrianised streets around schools)
- Raise parents’ awareness of respiratory diseases in children associated with air pollution with the launch of a prevention campaign
- Implementation of low-emission zones (restriction of circulation on the most polluting vehicles) in metropolises with more than 150,000 inhabitants
- Gradually replace wood and gas combustion appliances (stove, heating, boiler) with more efficient appliances
- Deployment of medico-social professionals working in homes, to advise occupants on possible ways of improving indoor air in their homes
- Investing in healthy housing, especially for the least advantaged populations