The Air Quality & Emissions show returns to the Telford International Centre next month (21 — 22 November).
The 2018 show — the 10th in the series — will focus on industrial air emissions from stack monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring, protection and treatment.
Registration is now open at and all pre-registered visitors will benefit from free parking, refreshments and lunch, in addition to free entry to WWEM 2018, the co-located water & wastewater monitoring event.
AQE features a busy exhibition area with over 200 stands, as well as a packed conference schedule — looking at many key issues currently facing industry.
The conference will also feature a heavy focus on the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD), which will come into force on 20th December 2018.
AQE Organiser Marcus Pattison, said: “This new regulation will affect an enormous number of processes, so it is vitally important that they are fully aware of the requirements and how to implement them.

AQE features a packed conference programme
“Visitors to the first day of the AQE 2018 Conference will be provided with detailed information on the MCPD, and the accompanying workshops and exhibition will enable them to appraise the monitoring requirements that will be appropriate to their business.”
Ambient air quality will be the focus of a conference organised by IAPSC (Investigation of Air Pollution Standing Committee) on the second day.
The main themes of this conference will be: sensor-based air quality monitoring techniques; engaging the public with air quality; and green infrastructure and its potential role in LAQM.
Seeking ways to improve urban air quality, the Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) will host a one-day seminar on 21st November focusing on the development of Clean Air Zones (CAZs), and the Renewable Energy Association (REA) will also host a seminar at the event.

More than 200 stands are expected
Here previews some of the exhibitors and developments visitors can expect to see at the show.
Alphasense unveils range of particulate sensors at AQE 2018
The Alphasense stand at the AQE 2018 exhibition will focus on the company’s latest particulate sensors, including new optical particle counters; the OPC-R1 and the OPC-N3.
Measuring just over 7cm wide and 2cm high, the OPC-R1 sensor is extremely small in comparison with previous technologies. However, with outputs for PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and histograms for up to 16 ‘bins’ the sensor provides impressive monitoring capability.
The OPC-N3 offers automatic ranging for PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, and with a measuring range of 0.38 to 40 µm, it can measure from the finest fractions up to larger particles such as pollen.
In addition to particulate sensors, the Alphasense stand will also feature a full range of gas sensors, providing instrument developers and manufacturers with the opportunity to choose the best sensor for their market.
Ashtead to display latest technologies at AQE 2018
The Ashtead Technology stand (No.84) at AQE 2018 will feature the latest and most popular products among the company’s fleet of gas and particulate monitoring instruments for sale or hire.
The monitoring applications covered by the equipment on show will include environmental air quality, industrial emissions, occupational safety, heat stress and confined space, and experts will be on hand to discuss visitors’ monitoring needs.
Visitors will be able to handle a comprehensive range of TSI instruments including the new QUEST monitors for measuring toxic gases, heat stress and particulates in the workplace, in addition to the outdoor and indoor DustTraks, and the SidePak personal dust monitor.
MCERTS approved analysers will be on show for emissions monitoring (TESTO 350) of O2, CO, NO, NO2 & CO2, and ambient particulate monitoring (Environmental DustTrak) for PM2.5, PM10 and total PM.
Visitors to the Ashtead Technology stand will also be provided with a free copy of the recently updated Environmental Equipment Solutions brochure.
Gasmet focuses on mercury monitoring at AQE 2018
The Gasmet Technologies (UK) stands (Nos. 38 & 39) at AQE 2018 will focus on continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) for a wide variety of parameters including mercury.
In January this year, Gasmet announced that the CMMS (Continuous Mercury Monitoring System) had successfully completed EN15267-3 testing and now provides the lowest EN15267 certified range for measurements of Mercury. The instrument is certified for operation across a number of different ranges up to 1000 µg/m3, but importantly, the lowest range is 0 to 5 µg/m3. This means that the Gasmet CMMS is able to monitor at the low levels that are increasingly being required by environmental permits.
Gasmet Technologies (formerly Quantitech) is able to design, install and commission bespoke MCERTS approved CEMS for all specified parameters including particulates. These systems include the latest FTIR technology, the CEMS IIe, as well as MCERTS approved analysers for TOC and oxygen.
In addition to CEMS, Gasmet also provides the unique DX4000 portable FTIR analyser, and a portable ambient/workplace version of this technology will be available on the stand. Experts from Gasmet will be available to help customers choose the best monitoring technology for their application.
New gas analysers have remote connectivity
Signal Group (UK) manufactures instruments for monitoring a large number of gases, but its stand (#60) at AQE 2018 will focus on the latest technologies for the measurement of VOCs.
The new Series IV gas analysers have 3G, 4G, GPRS, Bluetooth and satellite compatibility, and each instrument is built with its own IP address. As a result, users will be provided with simple and secure access to their analysers at any time, from anywhere.
Visitors to the Signal stand will be able to see the company’s Series IV SOLAR single and dual FID fixed gas analysers which are pending new certification for QAL1/MCERTS. In conjunction with the portable 3010 MINIFID PURE heated FID, these instruments offer complete flexibility in VOC monitoring for applications such as solvent emissions/abatement, combustion research, gas purity etc.
Signal’s UK representative Adrian Thiedeman will be on the stand to explain the advantages of the latest instruments and to discuss visitors’ applications.
Air Monitors to display industry-leading kit
The Air Monitors booth (51/52) will be packed with the market’s leading air monitoring equipment, employing technologies that are in high demand.
The ‘stars of the show’ will be AQMesh pods and FIDAS particulate monitors, both of which have featured prominently in recent major projects.
FIDAS is rapidly becoming the instrument of choice for monitoring ambient particulates because it measures all fractions of interest simultaneously with high reliability, improved accuracy and lower operational costs.
As a small, battery-powered, wireless, web-enabled air quality monitor, AQMesh is leading the field in low-cost monitoring; providing users with complete flexibility and ease of access to data.
Technologies for other key parameters will also be on display, including Black Carbon monitors and direct NO2 analysers from both Ecotech and 2BTech.
Reflecting growing understanding about the relationship between outdoor and indoor pollution, several of the latest technologies for indoor air quality monitoring will also be on the booth. These will include the Gasera One photoacoustic multi-gas analyser and the Ethera NEMo – a unique technology for sensitive and selective measurement of typical IAQ pollutants including formaldehyde.