
Ad: Indicative MCERTS & the Importance of Data Quality in Air Quality Monitoring

Air pollution is invisible, but that doesn’t make it non-existent. Pollutants like particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10) come from a host of sources, be it transport, or construction, and cause health problems from breathlessness, to asthma, to cancer. Due to the wide range of sources, local authorities, construction companies, and engineers should be using air quality monitors that provide trustworthy measurements and reliable data. Choosing just any monitor could mean improper decisions as a result of inaccurate information, and people that are not properly protected from air pollution.

This is where the Environment Agencies (EA) Monitoring Certification Scheme comes to the fore. Certified pollution monitors, like EarthSense’s Zephyr® air quality monitor which has received MCERTS for indicative particulates, are a non-negotiable for regulatory and safety purposes. This is because it proves the credibility of data quality coming from monitoring equipment of emissions into air, land, and water. Taking this into account, EarthSense has put together a suite of capabilities that provide users with visibility of pollution challenges and the tools for action against high levels.

The likes of local authorities, construction and engineering companies need accredited data quality as their operations, decisions and policies have a direct impact on communities. Indicative MCERTS equipment is thoroughly tested by a third party, meaning it can be trusted for painting a true picture of air quality. EarthSense’s Monitoring Suite starts with the Zephyr® air quality monitor, delivering MCERTS data quality for indicative particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) – a pollutant that poses significant danger to human health. Also available are a host of live ambient air pollutant measurements of NO, NO2, O3, SO2, CO, H2S, TVOC, CO2, for a detailed overview of the pollution landscape.

Interrupted air quality measurements due to power challenges throughout monitoring, or as monitoring locations transition through various stages of development could mean pollution spikes are missed and therefore imprecise air quality data. Flexible power options for the Zephyr® ensure convenient and adaptable siting for monitoring, which include solar power, mains power, internal battery, or capabilities to connect to an external battery source for 3-months continuous monitoring. No longer does power need to be a challenge and compromise data quality during the monitoring phase – EarthSense have the power solutions for almost all areas to ensure continuous monitoring.

What’s more, what’s data quality if there’s a lack of confidence that air quality monitors are working? This is where we come to the EarthSense Companion App. Following deployment, users can now connect to their Zephyr® monitors through the Companion App whilst in the field using their mobile or tablet. The app gives that extra level of walk away confidence that air quality monitors are functioning properly and providing the data that’s crucial for creating a safe environment before leaving site and returning to the office. In addition, EarthSense’s data allows its users to have a say about when they want to be notified of unsafe air quality. Once Zephyr® monitors are up and running, the MyAir® data application can be used to configure a range of email and/or SMS alerts for gases and particulates so that the likes of construction professionals know where and when to act.

MCERTS and trusted data quality are a crucial element for air quality monitoring, as they can be a catalyst for positive public health outcomes. If the data can’t be trusted, then how can the decisions, and therefore public health and environmental outcomes? Continuously available, reliable data quality is a need, not a want, as it ensures the likes of local authorities and construction professionals are making the right decisions, creating appropriate policies, and carrying out cleaner operations for cleaner air.

Do you need indicative MCERTS particulate data, or trusted air quality solutions? Learn more by registering for EarthSense’s webinar:


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