Edinburgh city council has launched a three month consultation over whether diesel cars should incur a parking permit surcharge in the city.
The question is posed in a consultation being run by the city council as it carries forward Edinburgh’s Parking Action Plan.
As part of the Parking Action Plan, the Council is reviewing parking permits in the Scottish capital in a bid to “improve air quality and enhance quality of life”.
Princes Street in Edinburgh – one of the roads in which have previously been highlighted for having poor air quality
The consultation runs until 28 January 2018, and seeks feedback on a proposal to add a surcharge on to residents’ parking permits for diesel vehicles.
In a statement, the city council said: “Diesel vehicles work best for longer journeys on motorways, but are not well suited to shorter and slower trips in built-up areas like Edinburgh’s city centre. There is growing evidence to suggest that diesel engines: contribute to poor air quality; increase the risk of lung cancer; can cause heart attacks; and reduce life expectancy.”
Those interested in the consultation are told by that some cities are looking at banning diesel vehicles entirely and “at least nine London Boroughs have already introduced a diesel surcharge on residents’ parking permits”
There are about 8,000 diesel permit holders’ vehicles in Edinburgh.
Councillor Lesley Macinnes, transport convener, said: “Evidence is mounting that diesel emissions are causing serious health problems and worsening air quality in cities across the globe and many cities are already taking steps to combat this. We’re keen to see what people in Edinburgh think of the idea of adding a surcharge to residents’ parking permits for diesel vehicles.
“I’d urge everyone to take a few minutes to complete the online consultation and to let others know about it as well. After it closes on 28 January, we’ll review the consultation feedback in a report to a future Transport and Environment Committee before deciding next steps.”
All current holders of residents’ parking permits are to be contacted directly about the consultation and paper copies will be available in libraries and local offices.
Diesel parking surcharges have been introduced in some parts of London including Hounslow (see See AirQualityNews.com story)