Calderdale council’s cabinet members will discuss the introduction of a new, sustainable transport strategy next week (14 November), which will include measures aimed at improving air quality.Â
The draft Calderdale Transport Strategy 2016-2031 aims to reflect changes in travel behaviour, building on national and international best practice to create a sustainable approach to travel in the borough.
The strategy focusses on a number of aims — enabling growth, enhancing the environment, improving connectivity and people’s quality of life — looking at how transport can support these aims.
The west Yorkshire district incorporates the large town of Halifax, as well as more rural areas around Hebden Bridge.
Measures would include the development of six programmes, including a highway efficiency package investing in technology to reduce travel times and improve air quality, a behavioural change programme working with public health to support more sustainable modes of travel, and a cycling programme integrating on and off road routes.
It would also include a walking programme, a bus and rail programme, and a new parking strategy. At Calderdale council’s cabinet meeting next week, members will review the draft strategy and make recommendations to full council.
Changing habits
According to the council, the new strategy is a response to changing travel habits — rates of car use and ownership have declined in many cities and more people are choosing to cycle or walk to work. The use of rail travel is also an increasingly popular mode of transport in Calderdale and smart technology is transforming the way people are using transport.
Calderdale council’s cabinet member for Regeneration and Economic Development, Cllr Barry Collins, said: “This document proposes a generational shift in Calderdale’s transport policy, placing it squarely within our ‘quality of life’ agenda and, wherever appropriate, prioritising sustainable modes of travel.
“Connectivity improvements are already scheduled across the local transport network, including the multi-million pound programme to reduce travel times on the A629 and our work on the borough’s cycleways and footpaths.
“The new strategy builds upon these schemes, taking account of changing travel choices, projected population growth and the Council’s own public health aspirations to begin creating a more sustainable transport system for the future.”