TRL is starting work on research for Warrington borough council along with fellow-research organisation TTR on the potential for a low emission zone (LEZ) for Warrrington.
The project involves a feasilbiity study into LEZs and also for a low emissions strategy for the council. It will include, according to TRL, “extensive engagement with stakeholders in order to work with local decision-makers and interested parties to find options that would have a positive impact on local air quality, as well as being politically and economically acceptable.”
With recent TRL research suggesting that driving style is increasingly important with regard to vehicle emissions, this will be an aspect taken into account as TRL and TTR develop options for Warrington.
Project leader Alaric Lester at TRL told that driving style “is often as much a function of the road as the individual behind the wheel. Around 15-20 years ago the relationship between vehicles and emissions was more straightforward.
“Nowadays more acceleration and deceleration is more important than driving at a particular speed. So in congested areas there can be much higher emissions per unit per distance.”
TRL’s work, explained Mr Lester, has involved the development of second by second data to cover driving style and working methods associated with this can involve the use of automatic number plate recognition for producing a better record of vehicle emission standards and speed.
The first stage of the Warrington work will involve scoping options which are to be completed by June before the next stage of the project.
Options under consideration include mapped pollution impacts and cost-effectiveness assessment.
Two areas are already designated as Air Quality Management Areas in Warrington, due to excessive nitrogen dioxide associated with traffic emissions: the Motorway Network, and the Parker Street area.