EarthSense Systems, the air quality monitoring, measuring and modelling company, has appointed Thomas Hall as Managing Director.
A remote sensing specialist with over 19 years’ experience in the geospatial industry, Mr Hall has a proven track record of developing emerging technology for wide market adoption and commercialisation, the company has said.
Thomas Hall has joined EarthSense Systems as managing director
He joined from NM Group, expert in the use of remotely sensed data for mapping of electricity operator assets, and part of Trimble Inc, where he held the role of Sales Director, EMEA.
EarthSense, which is a joint venture between aerial mapping company Bluesky and the University of Leicester, has recently launched MapAir — combining satellite mapping with live air quality data to provide nitrogen dioxide projections for the whole of the UK up to a 100 metre resolution.
The company was also featured in a recent BBC TV documentary about how community action can be used to tackle the growing problem of urban air pollution.
Mr Hall said: “This is such an exciting time to be joining EarthSense as it transitions from a technology start-up to a mass appeal solution and service provider. I was hugely impressed to see EarthSense making national headlines, powering over one and a half million air pollution map look-ups and causing a social media frenzy within my first few weeks.
“However, EarthSense is about so much more than interesting television and media hype. Poor air quality is serious, in fact deadly serious, and a growing problem. Our mission is to provide policy makers and those charged with our protection the real-world information they need to prevent and counteract the often invisible threat of air pollution.”
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